Discover 4 Ways for Emotional Eaters to Interrupt their Eating Habits
Without Giving Up the Foods They Love
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About Me!
Who Am I?
Hi, I’m Paula Yolles.

The founder and head coach of Body-Mind-Food Freedom and creator of the End Emotional Eating with Ease Method.
Many women know me as the Food Freedom Coach who doesn’t tell women what types of foods to eat or not eat, to use meal plans, to count points, be on the latest food fad or deprive themselves (we’ve all been there and done that)…

I help women End Emotional Eating by getting to the root cause, releasing it, and retraining their thoughts so they can consistently eat healthy with ease, feel fabulous in their bodies and live life from a place of inner peace.

When I’m not running my business I can be found crouching down looking at things in nature or in the kitchen cooking simple meals (FYI… the kitchen often looks like a tornado when I’m cooking. Just ask my son, as he’s often the dishwasher.)
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